The Top 5 Halloween-Themed Episodes of TV

I don't know why, but I have come to love Halloween. It probably has something to do with my husband, who loves to dress up and think of smart ways to execute a costume. This morning, for example, his dental practice is dressing up with a barnyard theme in mind. He decided to go as Old McDonald, so, naturally, he made himself a new nametag: 

Cute, right? 

Cute, right? 

I have had such fun plans the last two Halloweens - two great parties - and this year, we don't have anything going on. So tonight, we'll be turning on the spooky sound effects, entertaining trick-or-treaters, getting chocolate wasted, and marathoning these shows. 

There's nothing better than a few fun episodes of TV to get you in the mood. 

Let's start with 5 and work our way up. 

5. Slutty Pumpkin - How I Met Your Mother

Look, it's not groundbreaking television, but it features one of the more well-known jokes that runs throughout HIMYM. If you're a fan of the show, you'll be treated to some classic Barney tricks, an over-the-top gooey Ted pep-talk, and some Lily and Marshall cuteness. Blessedly, this episode is in Season 1 of the show, so although HIMYM hasn't quite hit its stride, it also hasn't become completely over-the-top unbearable. Yet. Available to stream on Netflix.

4. Halloween - Modern Family

Back in Modern Family's early days, I was still watching each episode as it aired, and I remember this one specifically from that era. First of all, Gloria's sub-plot is that she is frustrated with her accent ("baby cheeses" becomes "baby Jesus") and that alone is worth the watch. But Claire and Phil's love for all things spooky and corny is to die for. I think Jordan and I might accidentally become them at some point. It's not available to stream, I discovered, unless you click this link. Then it is. (You're welcome.) 

3. Community - Epidemiology

Another Season 2 triumph. Community is not a show with which you're familiar, let me solve that problem right now. This show is pretty hilarious, and this episode is a great one to start with. At a big Halloween party, guest after guest starts exhibiting zombie-like symptoms. I won't spoil it for you, of course, but it's a hilarious and sometimes even a little spooky episode of television. Available on Hulu. 

2. Halloween - The Office

If you know me well, you know that The Office is my "cult-level-following" TV show. This show actually boasts a handful of great Halloween episodes, but this is my favorite. There are about a million great costumes here -- Michael's two heads, Dwight's Sith Lord, Three-Hole Punch Jim, etc. In YET ANOTHER Season 2 Halloween episode, Michael's been saddled with laying off an employee, but doesn't want to because he fears it will make him unpopular. There are a lot of gems here - Jim and Pam cuteness, some FANTASTIC Dwight Schrute moments - you'll have to watch for yourself. Available on Netflix. 

1. Parks and Rec - Greg Pikitis

And yet, as much as I love The Office (and I do, an unhealthy amount), this episode takes the cake. If you can only watch one Halloween-themed episode of TV, this is your winner. In what I'm another of beginning to feel are a totally suspicious amount of Season 2 Halloween-themed episodes, this one from P&R wins. Local teenage punk Greg Pikitis loads this episode with a special kind of awesome. Inside, you'll find: the birth of Andy Dwyer's alter-ego Agent Bert Macklin, a guest appearance by Louis CK, some of Aziz Ansari's finest work, and an irrational, vengeance-seeking Leslie Knope with whom all of us can identify. It is laugh-out-loud funny the entire way through. We watched it last night and will watch again this evening. Two words: peach pit. Available on Netflix. 

Hope everyone saw/wore some great costumes this weekend. Happy Halloween! 

...and please, make sure to give trick-or-treaters some teeth-rotting goodies tonight. Do your partto keep your local dentists in business.