I hope everybody is gearing up for a weekend full of relaxation, wine drinking, and outside time (provided you're not allergic to summer like I am. I grew up in Alabama and do not do well with the heat. Don't @ me.).
I'm excited to bring you a new segment of DHDG this morning. Last week, I saw Won't You Be My Neighbor?, the Fred Rogers documentary, and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. If you haven't seen it, it's a non-negotiable.
More than anything, though, it inspired me so deeply. One of the major takeaways from that movie was that there is something for each and every one of us to contribute in the way of "making goodness attractive," as Mr. Rogers put it. There's so much noise and mental pollution at any given moment, especially these days; we're walloped on a daily basis with negativity, fear, division, and dishonesty.
So, what can we do?
We can chip away at that cloudy climate little by little; one act of goodness, one person, one pure moment at a time.
Every Friday, I'm going to bring you a roundup of good deeds for the week. It might spotlight one person or several, but it'll be a little something to remind you that people are, in fact, wonderful.
This week, I asked Instagram for some submissions about ways that people had gone out of their way to serve. And I got so many great responses!
And my favorite...
The little flowers!!! Oh man. So sweet.
How great are all these wonderful moments?! And even better: these are regular ol' ordinary people who did something they might have thought was small, but for the recipient of that good deed, it was a highlight of their whole week.
My favorite part about these, though, is that these acts of kindness were done with no expectation or pretense. The people who submitted these good deeds are different - some Republican, some Democrat. Some go to church, some don't. And that's a beautiful thing. Different is great. I love that we're not the same! And I can guarantee you that these deeds were done with no questions asked - proving the plain and simple point that you don't have to be anything like another person to be kind to them.
Who has gone out of their way for you? What good deed have you seen this week that brought joy to your day? It might seem small to others, but I bet it wasn't small to you.